Sat 4:00 PM – Vigil Mass
Sat 6:00 PM – Spanish Mass
Sun 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM

Mon- Fri 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM
Holidays 10:00 AM

5:30 PM Vigil Mass
8:00 AM & 5:30 PM

Mass times subject to change



Thank you for your continuing financial support through online e-Giving and for mailing your Envelopes to the Parish Office when you cannot attend Mass.

Collections Of September 15, 2024
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Collection: $11,236.79
Online Giving: $3,046.77
Respect Life & Migrants: $3,395.02

May God continue to bless and protect you and your loved ones. 

Dear Parish Family,

Please consider e-Giving.  e-Giving is an easy, fast and secure way of automatically giving your offertory or other contributions online using your checking account, credit card, or debit card.  The convenience of not having to worry about weekly envelopes or writing a check before you rush to attend Sunday Mass is absolutely valuable for many parishioners.

e-Giving guarantees the delivery of your offering on a timely basis, and in a predetermined fashion designed by you.  This saves the Parish the continuing escalating cost of printing and mailing envelopes.  However, you may still request envelopes if you so desire. 

If you decide that this is a convenient and time-saving way of making your offertories, please click HERE to register. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our Accounting Department at 561-483-2440 Ext 1418. 

Thank you for supporting your Parish.  May God richly bless you.


A grassroots team has come together to stop this extreme abortion amendment. Florida Voters Against Extremism, organized by the collaborative effort of pro-life leaders in the state, has put in place the structure necessary to run a statewide campaign. A website has been created to tell Florida voters that this deceptive amendment is not what it seems.

You can find more information, sign-up for emails, or make a donation at Too Extreme for Florida. ‘Like, follow and share’ Vote No on 4 Florida on Facebook, Instagram, and X to keep up with efforts to stop this extreme amendment.

Parish Goal                               $175,000
Total pledge / collected            $149,653
Shortfall                                     $25,347


On behalf of the Knights of Columbus, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Our recent Pasta and Meatballs Dinner Dance was an overwhelming success, with the event selling out! Your participation is a testament to the vibrant and generous spirit of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. The Knights are truly humbled by the strong sense of community, generosity, and fellowship that was on full display that evening.

Thanks to your enthusiastic support, O’Shea Hall was transformed into a place filled with laughter, friendship, and unity. More importantly, we are thrilled to share that we raised $1,000, which will directly go towards helping our seminarians on their journey to the priesthood.

These seminarians are the future shepherds of our Church. With your contributions, we are able to assist them as they undergo spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation, preparing to lead and serve us in the years to come. You are truly making an impact on the future of our faith.

We are especially grateful to our pastor, Father Eddie, whose wisdom and love continue to guide us. Through his leadership, we are building a parish where faith is not only spoken but lived out through active participation in ministries. Whether through Liturgy and Worship, Education and Faith Formation, Outreach and Service, or Prayer and Retreats, there is always a way to live your faith here at Our Lady of Lourdes.

If you feel called to deepen your involvement, consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Being a Knight is not just a title; it’s an opportunity to put your faith into action in a meaningful way. We are always eager to welcome new members, and your unique gifts and talents have a special place in our brotherhood.

To learn more or to join the Knights of Columbus, you can visit the link below or scan the QR code. Membership is free and open to all Catholic men. We would be honored to have you with us.

Once again, thank you for your generosity, support, and participation. May God bless you abundantly for all you do to strengthen our parish and support our seminarians.

In faith and fellowship,
John Lenihan
Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus extend a warm invitation to the parish community to partake in a breakfast gathering typically hosted on the third Sunday of each month in O’Shea Hall, following all Masses. 

The next family breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, October 20, 2024. 

You are reminded to listen to the announcements at Mass for any updates/changes regarding the Knights Breakfast.



Friday – 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Saturday – 11:00 AM to 12 Noon


Please call the Parish Office at 561-483-2440 for more information.

We publish the Banns of Marriage for:

Justin Urkoski & Sara Gullet
November 2nd, 2024

Pope John Paul II

Father, you are Love and Life.
Through your Son, Jesus Christ, born of woman, and through the Holy Spirit, fountain of divine charity, grant that every family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love.

Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weakness and trials through which our families sometimes pass.



Please consider volunteering in our Religious Ed program during the school year. We always need teachers, assistants, office help, and traffic monitors. Teen Helpers are also needed. Help bring our children closer to Jesus. We will train you.

Serving the Altar during Mass is an awesome privilege that allows Altar servers to grow closer to God in a very unique way. Not many people could be that close to the holy sacrifice of the Mass when it is offered by the Priest but Altar servers and clergy.

Don’t miss this great honor and call the Religious Education office at 561 483 2440 ext. 1429 to sign up for training.

Altar servers should be Baptized and have received their First Communion. The minimum age is 8 or in 3rd grade.

Boys and girls who wish to become Altar servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities, and to carry them out with reverence.

Volunteering is a rewarding way to serve your community. It challenges your spirit, fills your heart and enriches your life. Yours may be a renewed sense of purpose or possibly work to fill idle moments. Maybe it’s the opportunity to touch someone on a heartfelt level and be touched in return. If you would like to serve, please contact the Parish Office at 561-483-2440.


The Church is open for prayer throughout the day, from 6 am to 6 pm. After hours, the Grotto of Lourdes and Prayer Garden continues to be available to the faithful for prayer and meditation.

Bereavement Group

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one our Bereavement Group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Holy Family room.

For more information please contact the Parish Office at 561-483-2440.

For more information on parish ministries please call the Parish Office at (561) 483-2440

Our parishioners can provide solace and encouragement to those who need it most. Your kindness and compassion can make a significant difference in the lives of our military members and the sick and homebound. Let us remember them in our thoughts and prayers, and may their burdens be lightened by the collective strength and love of our worshipping community.

Click Image For List

Tree Of Life

The Tree of Life offers you a great opportunity to remember your loved ones in a very tasteful way while you make a contribution to your Parish. Each brass leaf holds more than the name of your father or mother, husband or wife, son or daughter. It is a memorial of gratitude meant to last. For more information, please contact the Parish Office. May God bless you.



Donate To Parish

Our Parish is sustained through the Generosity Of Parishioners And anyone of goodwill.

Donate A Lasting Legacy

A Bequest is a unique gift of money or assets left through your will and is an investment in the future of your Parish.

Donate To DSA Campaign

Each Parish has the responsibility to support the needs and ministries of the Diocese.

Links To Websites Of Interest