The Sacramental and Social life of our Parish is essential to our mission



The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic men’s fraternal organization in the world. It has built Catholic communities, fed the poor, and defended the vulnerable since Father McGivney founded it in the year 1882. Love of Church and country define who the Knights of Columbus are. Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism are the watchwords of this organization.

The Knights of Columbus offers its members in the United States and Canada exclusive access to its multi-billion dollar, top-rated insurance program and products, including life insurance, retirement annuities, long-term care insurance, and disability income insurance.

Click HERE To Join Online


We at Our Lady of Lourdes Council #11241 organize functions to raise money to support our Church, Church Ministries, and the community with donations. We volunteer our services to make individuals and community organizations succeed in their missions of charity. We integrate ourselves and our families into the Sacramental and Social life of our Parish. We are  Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Catechists, RCIA Team members, and members of various Church councils.  

Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Golf Tournament and Banquet.  We hold smaller fundraising events such as our Family Breakfasts, Pasta Dinners, and our annual Lenten Fish Dinners.

Our Council is very active and always welcomes new brothers. If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older and ready to serve others, we invite you to join our Council.   Click on “JOIN OUR LADY OF LOURDES COUNCIL 11241” below and complete the electronic application form.


We are men of faith, character, and conviction who are driven by conscience to do meaningful works for the Church and community.

The Grand Knight is the head of each council, and officers are appointed each year from among council members.  Members are encouraged to take leadership roles as the council engages in meaningful, charitable works for Church and community.

John Lenihan - Grand Knight
Joe Guerrero - Deputy Grand Knight

Installation Of Officers - July 2024 to June 2025

The installation ceremony for newly elected officers of the Knights of Columbus Council 11241 was a solemn and symbolic event that emphasized the responsibilities and spiritual commitments of the officers to the Church, and the Order.  It was preceded by Mass presided over by Rev. Father Eduardo Medina, Pastor, and Chaplain of the Council.

Father Medina gave the opening prayer and invocation.  The outgoing Past Grand Knight, Andre Moraes, gave a brief message of thanks to the Council members for the support they gave him during the past Council year.  He then introduced the presiding officer, State District Deputy Christopher Laudato, who represented the Supreme Council.  The District Deputy was assisted by Deputy Warden Robert Zucco and the Knights of Columbus Assembly 3092 Honor Guard led by Commander Amado Samson and State Vice Marshal Dr. Osmany Periu. 

The District Deputy welcomed council members and guests.  Each officer-elect was called forward, beginning with the Grand Knight (the highest officer in a local council), followed by the other officers in order of rank.  The District Deputy administered the installation charge, emphasizing the virtues of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism—the core principles of the Knights of Columbus.  The officers received the medal of their office, signifying their authority and responsibility.  The officers then took an oath pledging to uphold the principles and laws of the Knights of Columbus, to perform their duties diligently, and to work for the good of the Church and the Order.

The newly installed Grand Knight, John Lenihan gave a heartfelt address thanking the Council for the honor and privilege to serve as Grand Knight.  He inspired the Council to greater achievements in the 2024-2025 Knights year. 

This moving ceremony was a reminder of the spiritual and moral responsibilities that come with leadership within the Knights of Columbus.  Each officer’s role is viewed as a service to the Church, the community, and the brotherhood of the Order. 

Grand Knight – John Lenihan

Deputy Grand Knight – Joe Guerrero
Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Eddie Medina, Pastor
Chancellor – Rene Greenwald
Financial Secretary – Henry (Hank) Masone
Warden – Karlo Gamarra
Recorder – Andrew Granados
Treasurer – Gary Herold

Advocate – David Gross
Lecturer – Dennis Rodriguez
Inside Guard – Felix Esposito
Outside Guard – Richard Daddieco
Trustee One  Year – Andre de Moraes
Trustee Two Year – Paul Herron
Trustee Three Year – Scott Decubellis


Amado Samson – Color Corp Commander

Osmany Periu – State Vice Marshall

Joe Guerrero – Faithful Navigator

Ray Sanchez – Immediate Past Faithful Navigator

Ron Sheldon – Past Faithful Navigator

Gerry Gawaldo – Faithful Captain

Tom Varcione – Faithful Sentinel

Jack Doyle – Past Grand Knight

Kevin Marroquin

The Knights of Columbus Honor Guard (also called the Color Corp) is a ceremonial unit within the Knights of Columbus, primarily composed of trained Fourth Degree members.  The 4th Degree is the highest and most patriotic degree in the Order. The Honor Guard is recognized for its distinctive regalia, which includes a hat, cape, sword, and gloves. Its role is deeply rooted in the tradition of honor, patriotism, and respect.

The Honor Guard frequently provides a ceremonial escort for processions, Masses, and other liturgical celebrations. They may accompany bishops, priests, or other dignitaries during these events, adding a sense of reverence and solemnity. During the installation of officers, the Honor Guard enhances the dignity and solemnity of the ceremony, underscoring the importance of the roles being assumed. The Honor Guard also often participates in the funerals of deceased Knights, particularly those of Fourth Degree members. Additionally, the Honor Guard is called upon for special occasions such as ordinations, anniversaries, dedications, and other significant events within the Church or the community.






On behalf of the Knights of Columbus, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Our recent Pasta and Meatballs Dinner Dance was an overwhelming success, with the event selling out! Your participation is a testament to the vibrant and generous spirit of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. The Knights are truly humbled by the strong sense of community, generosity, and fellowship that was on full display that evening.

Thanks to your enthusiastic support, O’Shea Hall was transformed into a place filled with laughter, friendship, and unity. More importantly, we are thrilled to share that we raised $1,000, which will directly go towards helping our seminarians on their journey to the priesthood.

These seminarians are the future shepherds of our Church. With your contributions, we are able to assist them as they undergo spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation, preparing to lead and serve us in the years to come. You are truly making an impact on the future of our faith.

We are especially grateful to our pastor, Father Eddie, whose wisdom and love continue to guide us. Through his leadership, we are building a parish where faith is not only spoken but lived out through active participation in ministries. Whether through Liturgy and Worship, Education and Faith Formation, Outreach and Service, or Prayer and Retreats, there is always a way to live your faith here at Our Lady of Lourdes.

If you feel called to deepen your involvement, consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Being a Knight is not just a title; it’s an opportunity to put your faith into action in a meaningful way. We are always eager to welcome new members, and your unique gifts and talents have a special place in our brotherhood.

To learn more or to join the Knights of Columbus, you can visit the link below or scan the QR code. Membership is free and open to all Catholic men. We would be honored to have you with us.

Once again, thank you for your generosity, support, and participation. May God bless you abundantly for all you do to strengthen our parish and support our seminarians.

In faith and fellowship,
John Lenihan
Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus


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