Through the Sacraments and Liturgies we celebrate our Faith and Love of God

Serving at the Altar and assisting the Priest at Mass is an awesome privilege that allows children who have made their first communion to grow closer to God and serve the Church. Altar Servers get a “behind the scenes” look at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that few others will ever have. It is a great honor and a commitment on the part of the server and their families.
Anyone who is interested in serving should contact the Parish Office at 561-483-2440 to sign up for training
Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday. Children from Kindergarten through 5th grade are taken to the Holy Family room where they listen to the Sunday readings which are then explained in a way understandable to them.
If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact the Religious Education Office. We look forward to hearing from you.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are registered parishioners who are called to assist the Presider, the ordinary minister of Communion, in the distribution of Holy Communion during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
These men and women are commissioned for service to a particular community. To serve in such an honored capacity, they should have completed all their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) and be actively involved in the Church.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also bring communion to parishioners who are homebound or in healthcare facilities. Our Parish is responsible for the Chaplaincy of West Boca Medical Center, Menorah House, and The Meridian at Boca Raton. We require that you attend specific training sessions should you be eligible to participate.
If you or your loved one is homebound, seriously ill or in the hospital, and is in need of prayers and of Holy Communion, please call our Parish Office at 561-483-2440.
This ministry is for those parishioners who are called to serve as Lectors at Mass as an expression of their love for the Word of God.
We offer training and study guides to those serving in this ministry.

The Music Ministry is at the service of the Liturgy. Through the voices and musical talents of the believers, the congregation enhances the worship with hymns of thanksgiving to God Almighty.
Adults and children are always welcome to join our Adult Choir, our Children’s Choir and the Spanish Choir.
Our choirs meet weekly for rehearsals, and reading music is not required. For more information contact the Parish Office at 561-483-2440.
The Seven Sacraments are an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ, and entrusted to the Church which He established. These are rooted in Sacred Scripture and are special encounters with the Lord at various stages of our Faith Journey. Every Sacrament uses both matter and form – the materials used and the words pronounced. They are seven by definition:
Sacraments of Initiation
Sacraments of Healing
Sacraments of Service
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick
Matrimony, Holy Orders

Sacristans are ministers who have accepted the additional responsibility of preparing the Sacred vessels, candelabra, vestments, and all the Liturgical furnishings needed for the celebration of the Mass.
They are responsible for the preparation of the Sanctuary for the celebration of the Liturgy.

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Our Parish is sustained through the Generosity Of Parishioners And anyone of goodwill.

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A Bequest is a unique gift of money or assets left through your will and is an investment in the future of your Parish.

Donate To DSA Campaign
Each Parish has the responsibility to support the needs and ministries of the Diocese.