Through our Faith and Love of God we are empowered to share our gifts with others

Thursday Evenings 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Call Parish office for Information

This Anointing and Prayer for Healing is available to all Catholics living within Parish boundaries. Church Law regulates that each Parish is to provide the needed Pastoral Care of Catholics admitted at any Health Care institution within Parish boundaries whether they are registered parishioners or not.
If you are in need of the Sacrament during your admission to a Hospital, Nursing Home or Hospice facility, contact the nearest Catholic Church but also inform your own Parish.
For Pastoral Care at Menorah House, West Boca Medical Center, and The Meridian at Boca Raton, call Our Lady of Lourdes 561-483-2440.

Hearts and Crafts is a group that meets on Wednesdays. For more information on the group please call the the Parish Office at 561-483-2440

These are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who ensure that our homebound parishioners who are unable to attend Mass can receive Holy Communion.
These special ministers are sent forth from the Mass weekly to take the Eucharist, Scripture and Parish news to private homes, hospitals, hospices and assisted living facilities, located within Parish boundaries.
If you or your loved one is homebound, seriously ill or in the hospital, and is in need of prayers and of Holy Communion, please let us know by calling the Parish Office at 561-483-2440.
Also, call us if you wish your name to be added to the prayer list in our Bulletin and Website. Please keep us informed about your health so we can keep our prayer list current.

H.O.P.E. Senior Outreach is a Parish-based ministry committed to Helping Older People Everyday who are parishioners living within Parish boundaries and who are homebound, infirm, or alone. Our H.O.P.E. volunteers wish to share God’s love with Seniors in our Parish by providing some assistance and information about community services available to them. We are not an agency of licensed professionals, so we cannot provide professional services. As a volunteer, the time you give to our seniors is invaluable. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 561-483-2440 or contact Mrs. Mary Viadero.

Meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the Church to pray the Rosary and to conclude with the prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. COME JOIN US!!

PRAY for the safety of all Men and Women in the MILITARY

7:30 am Prayer of the Rosary before Mass Monday through Saturday.
Also, there are two prayer groups that gather in Church and Chapel on Saturdays after Morning Mass.
JOIN US as we humbly ask Mother Mary, our Patroness, to intercede for us.
This is a ministry involving issues of concern regarding the dignity of all human life from conception until death. Participation in the Parish and Diocesan programs such as the Annual Life Chain are an integral part of this ministry. We support Birth-like/Birthright as part of this ministry.
It takes a village to raise a child and we’re here to help! Learn how mother and baby can get in touch with pro-life Women’s Centers to learn about their options and get the support they need to make a decision in favor of life!
You Too Can Help Defend Life!
Call: 1-800-848-LOVE

A Bequest IS a gift of money or assets left through your will, is vital to your Parish Church and the people the Church serves. It is a unique gift and an investment in the future. By leaving a bequest you are making a lasting difference in the life of the Parish community.
Our Lady of Lourdes welcomes charitable donations made by bequest through your Will or through Trust. In remembering our Church you also leave a lasting legacy.
There are various forms of bequests that you may make. For example, the proceeds of an unrestricted bequest may be used where needed, whereas a restricted bequest specifies the use of the donation. Bequests may come in the form of a specific dollar amount, securities, real estate, tangible property, and retirement account assets. A residuary bequest allows Our Lady of Lourdes to receive all or a percentage of your estate after all obligations have been met. If a Will or Trust already exists, an amendment can be done by an attorney through a document called a codicil, which adds a new bequest.
Our Lady of Lourdes is a charitable, not-for-profit institution; therefore, all bequests are fully deductible for estate tax purposes.

Saint Bernadette’s Place is our Parish Food Pantry, and it is supported by the generosity and donations of our parishioners. We provide food and some financial assistance to those who live within our Parish boundaries and are in need.
So that we may assist you, the following is required:
1. Must reside in the Parish community boundaries
2. Picture I.D. with current address (ex: Driver License)
3. One additional form of documentation with address
Please contact our Parish Office at 561-483-2440 to donate non-perishable items or make financial contributions.
We thank all our parishioners who support us .
Christ’s Poor & Hungry Apostolate

Donate To Parish
Our Parish is sustained through the Generosity Of Parishioners And anyone of goodwill.

Donate A Lasting Legacy
A Bequest is a unique gift of money or assets left through your will and is an investment in the future of your Parish.

Donate To DSA Campaign
Each Parish has the responsibility to support the needs and ministries of the Diocese.