Through Formation and Services we nurture and enrich our Faith and Love of God


Our ministry aims to help the faithful adult to grow in both Human and Christian maturity as they are enriched by the study of Sacred Scripture. We enrich the living dimensions of the faith of an adult, for example, family life, relationships, public service, and concern for the common good. In other words, Adult Faith Formation is about learning and practicing our Faith.

The CIA Youth Group is for high school students who want to share their time and gifts with our Church community. Our group encourages young people to participate in the mission and work of the Catholic Faith while fostering Personal and Spiritual growth.

This is a consultative body composed of appointed parishioners who have an expertise in finance. The group advises the Pastor on financial matters from budgeting to fund raising according to Church law (canon 532).
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic men’s fraternal organization in the world. It has built Catholic communities, fed the poor, and defended the vulnerable since Father McGivney founded it in the year 1882. The Knights of Columbus are best known for their love of Church and Country. Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism are the watchwords of this organization.
Click HERE for more information

The Parish Pastoral Council consists of a group of Parishioners appointed by the Pastor to assist him in the Pastoral Life of the Parish under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Pastor and council members discern the needed strategies to nurture the life of the Parish.

The Ministry for the upkeep of our Church in the spirit of the holy woman of Bethany, St. Martha. This ministry fosters the practice of love and support of the Parish in the most tangible way. We clean our Church on Wednesdays after the morning Mass. Come join us!

The Teens for Christ group gives Middle School students the opportunity to be a part of the Catholic faith community. As the teens give of their time and talents, they also grow spiritually.

The Church offers to all people the possibility of encountering the living God today and finding in Him lasting meaning and hope. As a Parish we “ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” (Lk. 10:2). We pray that there will be vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life from our Parish family.
The Vocation Chalice, a symbol of the intention to pray for vocations, is taken weekly by families or individuals who volunteer to pray for this intention during their daily prayer time. If you are interested in participating, please call the Parish Office to coordinate.

The Women Of Grace program at Our Lady Of Lourdes seeks to affirm women in their dignity, vocation, and femininity as daughters of God through ongoing spiritual formation. The ten-week study empowers women to transform the world.
Programs are usually offered in the Fall and Spring. Please check the Church bulletin for the next program offering.
Religious Education
Michelle Williamson
DeLisle Callender, M.A.
Adult Formation
Parish Clergy
Women Of Grace
Cynthia Hitson
Finance Council
DeLisle Callender
Parish Council
Deacon Francis Fau
Parish Clergy

Donate To Parish
Our Parish is sustained through the Generosity Of Parishioners And anyone of goodwill.

Donate A Lasting Legacy
A Bequest is a unique gift of money or assets left through your will and is an investment in the future of your Parish.

Donate To DSA Campaign
Each Parish has the responsibility to support the needs and ministries of the Diocese.