We are nurtured and thrive as the People of God through the Sacraments
Preparation is required before Sacraments may be received.
Please call our Parish Office for details 561-483-2440
Preparation for Matrimony
To be arranged with our Parish Clergy
Sacraments of Initiation
Must register for the RCIA Program
A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of Grace, instituted by Christ, and entrusted to the Church which He established. Sacraments are rooted in Sacred Scripture and are special encounters with the Lord at various stages of our Faith journey. Every Sacrament uses both matter and form – the materials used and the words pronounced. There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Penance, and Anointing of the Sick. For a more precise understanding of any or all of these you are encouraged to refer to the official Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Sacraments are grouped as follows:
Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Sacraments of Service – Holy Orders, Matrimony
Sacraments of Healing – Penance (Reconciliation), Anointing of the Sick

As Catholics, Baptism is the first step into the fullness of initiation as a member of the Church. At Baptism, Christ claims us as heirs to the Kingdom of God. This is done by immersion or pouring of water. Usually, it is a Priest or Deacon who administers this Sacrament. We are baptized in the Trinitarian Formula. Anointing is also part of the ritual. It is the parents who present their child to the Church. Two godparents are usually chosen to assist in the education and in the formation of the child in the ways of the Faith. At least one godparent must be fully initiated into the Church and practicing their Faith. Adults seeking baptism must first enter into the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). They receive the Sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil.
This Sacrament, usually administered by a Bishop, completes one’s full entry into the Catholic Church. It may be administered at infant baptism, but is most often delayed until one’s level of maturity allows a recognition and openness to the Spirit of God received at Baptism. The Sacrament allows one to truly claim the Gifts and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Adult converts to Catholicism and adult Catholics who did not complete the Sacrament of Confirmation may receive this Sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at the Easter Vigil.


The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the center, source and summit of our Catholic spiritual life. We believe that Jesus is truly present to us with His very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, whole and entire, under the appearance of consecrated bread and wine.
The Eucharist is also an action of Christ by which the people give thanks to God the Father. This is commonly called the Mass, which is the greatest act of Catholic worship. During Mass we are nourished on our pilgrim journey by both the proclaimed Scripture and by the Body and Blood of the Lord in the midst of the assembly of believers.
One must have been baptized, reached the age of reason, and be instructed before being allowed the privilege of this Sacrament. The Eucharist is also one of the three Sacraments of Christian Initiation that allows one full membership in the Church. Adults who did not receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist as children receive this Sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at the Easter Vigil.
These three distinct Orders of Service to God’s people are: Deacon, Priest and Bishop. A Deacon may be single or married while a Priest or Bishop in the Western Church remains celibate, or single. These Orders are based in Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church from Apostolic times. It was Jesus who appointed his successors to teach, govern and sanctify. This was begun at Pentecost and continues to our time. If one has an interest in pursuing a vocation to the Order of Deacon or Priest, please contact any of the Parish Priests.


The natural union of one man and one woman is considered sacred by the Church and is validated in and through the Sacrament of Matrimony. This vocation of sharing one’s life with another calls the couple to make a public pronouncement of vows that grants them entry into a covenant relationship until death. A Catholic must marry before a designated church official, usually a Deacon or Priest, and before two witnesses.
Couples planning to marry must be free from any prior bonds of marriage. Speak to a Priest if there are any questions in this regard. Couples are advised to see the Parish Priest at least six months prior to the date they seek. The initial visit then sets out the requisites of both the Parish and the Diocese in preparation for this Sacrament.
Prior to establishing a fixed date of the marriage, all required paperwork must be completed and approved. A recent copy of the Baptismal certificate, with all notations, must be obtained from the Parish of baptism for each person. These are to be no older than six months.
Call the Parish Secretary to arrange a meeting with the Clergy. We will be most happy to assist you in making your wedding day a sacred, dignified and joyful experience.
This Sacrament aids one to be reconciled with God and God’s people. Although the waters of Baptism made us new creations, it is possible for us to be diminished in our call to holiness when we sin. Sin fractures our closeness to God and to God’s people. The effects of sin are not isolated to one individual. By its nature, all sin is disruptive of communal well being, goodness and grace. Christ always offers us the opportunity for renewal of soul. Our Father awaits with compassion and mercy all who have drifted from His plan of life for us. The Spirit calls us to renewal by expressing our sorrow, our firm purpose of amendment, our confession of sin, and our fulfillment of a penance. This Sacrament is received prior to First Eucharist and is available throughout one’s journey of life. Priests or Bishops administer this Sacrament. At Our Lady Of Lourdes, we have scheduled hours, or one may make an appointment.


Jesus often healed the sick in a physical manner. He also instructed his Apostles and Disciples to do likewise. Through the Anointing of the Sick, we call upon the Lord for both physical and spiritual healing. A Priest or Bishop administers this Sacrament. This Sacrament may be received several times over the course of life’s journey. It is most often provided to those in acute illness, advanced age, undergoing serious medical situations, and life-threatening situations.
Here at Our Lady Of Lourdes, this Sacrament is offered during the morning Mass each first Saturday of the month, or when requested. We also visit the sick and administer the Sacrament for patients at Menorah House, West Boca Medical Center, and The Meridian at Boca Raton on a regular basis.


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